.. _csimIntroduction: CSim - a tool for executing CellML models ========================================= The goal of this project is to produce a minimal stand-alone library that generates executable functions for `CellML `_ models. We aim to support Linux, Mac, and Windows and to attempt to make it relatively easy for simulation tool developers to add CellML support. A further aim is to have as few (if any) dependencies on external tools or libraries that a user must also install in order to use this simulation tool. This tool is based on the original `CellMLSimulator `_ `[1] `_ with all the extra guff from that tool stripped out, leaving just the bare essentials required for simulation. CSim code is hosted on GitHub with the primary repository: https://github.com/nickerso/csim. This website is available at: https://get.readthedocs.io. .. .. warning:: .. .. Most of the documentation currently found here is a bit behind some recent developments in CSim. Notably, with `Google Code bidding farewell `_, the primary repository for the CSim code has moved to `GitHub `_, and can currently be found here: https://github.com/nickerso/csim. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 :titlesonly: building-csim usingLibCsim .. toctree:: :hidden: release-notes usingCLI summary-description