.. _csimUsingLibCsim: Using the CSim Library ====================== .. note:: It is assumed you have successfully :ref:`built CSim ` and installed the built library into ``$INSTALL_ROOT``. To be written. See the execution tests for the best examples of straight usage of CSim: https://github.com/nickerso/csim/blob/devel/tests/model/execution.cpp And see the SBW tests for examples of the slightly higher level API developed for using CSim from the SED-ML web tools: https://github.com/nickerso/csim/blob/devel/tests/csimsbw/csimsbw.cpp. There is also an example integrating CSim with CVODE, but this might not be up-to-date: https://github.com/nickerso/csim/blob/devel/examples/cvode-integrator/cvode-integrator.cpp